The PPG Committee is made up of a ‘Group of Patients’ who provide support to the surgery and staff, to Foster Improved Communications,
between the Practice and Patients. It is run by a collection of about a dozen patients of assorted interests and professions, in a Committee who meet once a month with the Business or Practice Manager
What is the Glenroyd PPG?Your PPG, is made up of a ‘Group 'of Glenroyd Patients’ who aim to ‘Foster Improved Communications between the Practice & the Patients’. It’s run by a Collection of about a dozen Patients of assorted Interests & Professions in a Committee who meet on the 2nd Wednesday each Month @ 3pm at the Moor Park Surgery with the Business or Practice Manager.
How does your PPG Committee work? ‘When a Problem is Noticed’, it is reported to the Managers and then between us we try to solve it. For example,
the District Nurses at Whitegate Drive reported that their Examination Couch had been condemned and without a replacement they would have to stop their vital work at Whitegate Drive Surgery. This was put to the PPG Committee it was agreed to pay the £817.80 for a NEW Couch.
What do PPG funds pay for? Funds are also used to pay for, Paper, Printer Ink etc, to produce the FREE ‘ Quarterly Practice Newsletters’, that are compiled and printed by Committee Members available at both Surgeries.Funds also pay: for the PPG Website :- P.T.O. It was noticed by members of the Committee that some patients, with mobility problems, were struggling with the seating in the Surgery Waiting Rooms and Higher Seated Armed Chairs were needed. - So the PPG paid towards two brand new chairs for each Surgery.
If you would like to join the PPG, complete one of our Sign up forms on here or email and we can send you a form to print :
Interested in Joining - Email -,Fill in the Form below OR Ask at Reception for an Application Form
We would love to hear from you
If you could occasionally let the PPG contact you by email, to inform the Practice your feelings on a variety of subjects, please download the attached form and return it to -
with our thanks. Take Care and Stay Safe
A paper copy of the PPG Newspaper is available at both surgeries
which includes regular favourites like "The Royds" Comic; Recipes; Blackpool's Local History; Puzzles and more.
If you would like a paper copy of the latest and or previous editions please feel free to send us your contact details to Subject :- Newsletter
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